Blueberry Poundcake

I can't let summer pass by without getting this recipe up for y'all! I love summer and all of the fresh fruit that it brings with it.  One of my favorites this summer has been blueberries!  My daughter loves them, so I always have them on hand. This poundcake is dense and moist, but the fresh blueberries keep the cake refreshing.  It's perfect for breakfast or dessert!

I sprinkle the top of mine with sugar before I bake it so that it has a sweet crispy topping, but it would also be delicious with a sweet glaze on top.

See that sugary goodness on top?  It's just the right amount of sweetness!

This recipe makes two loaves of Blueberry Poundcake.  Grab some Blueberries at the store this week and make this, one for you and one for a friend!
